Prof. Rebeca Soler Costa
Department of Education Science
University of Zaragoza, Spain
About Me
Doctor by the University of Zaragoza (Spain) and Assistant Professor in its Faculty of Education; she belongs to the area of knowledge of Didactics and School Organization (Pedagogy). She has published several research works about the analysis of the language of Pedagogy from a pragmatic-discursive and critic perspective, the power relationships in the didactic communication and in the political discourse in educative innovations and educative Acts. She has participated in international and national scientific conferences, developing teaching and research in her training perspective, participating as well in different postdoctoral research stay in foreign and Spanish universities. Her consolidated research lines are: discourse analysis in the didactic interaction, critical discourse analysis in education, the school organization for inclusive education, the study of Information and Communication Technologies in teaching-learning processes and the use of the Virtual Learning Environments as powerful didactic tools that convey the use of the new language of Pedagogy.